574.294.1499 contact@85500171.com

Terms and Conditions of Use

By using this site, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions of use. You must agree to these Terms and Conditions to use this site. If you do not agree to all of the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, you should exit the site now.


The information posted on this website, or in links provided by this website, are not to be misconstrued as legal advice or a recommendation regarding any of the legal issues or problems described herein. Nothing on this site should be interpreted in any way as constituting the giving of legal advice, or the practice of law. We insist that all visitors consult their own attorney regarding their individual questions or needs. In the event you are a client of our office, only information communicated to you directly may be relied upon, even if said advice seems to contradict the information contained herein, and nothing contained within this site is meant to supplement, complement, or otherwise relate to any advice you receive during any direct communication, past, present, or future. We are not responsible for any action taken by a reader based upon any information on this site without our express written consent.

The information provided within this site is not a substitute for professional legal advice. All of the content is for general information purposes only. Always seek the advice of a qualified legal professional regarding any issues that may interest you. You should not disregard professional advice or refrain from seeking professional advice because of anything contained in this website. The information contained herein is general and educational in nature. Because each case is different and each legal analysis is specifically tailored for each client, the information contained here should never be used to determine your legal rights.


Nothing in this site shall be construed or interpreted to mean that an attorney/client relationship has been formed. Submission of any information by you to us does not mean that we will be representing you, absent an express written agreement signed by us stating otherwise. You may not assume that we will be taking any action on your behalf for any legal matters unless we specifically tell you as much in writing.

Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights

This firm represents a wide variety of clients including businesses, individuals, creditors, and debtors. When businesses or individuals are involved in a bankruptcy case as a creditor, we will represent our clients in bankruptcy court. When businesses or individuals find themselves in financial circumstances requiring relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code, we also provide such representation.

Pursuant to the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA), we are required to inform you as follows: We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

Links From This Site

This site may contain links or references to other websites. Please be aware that we do not control these other websites and, therefore, these terms and conditions of use are specific to this website. We have no control over, or liability arising from information which may be found on other websites. Legal information may be presented on these other websites. We have no control over the information found, and you use it at your own risk. In some cases, explicit material may be located on other websites.

Always speak with your own attorney regarding the content contained on this or any other site. We do not endorse or recommend any specific studies, tests, opinions, data, reviews, strategies or any other information which may be referenced on other websites. The decision to rely on information found on this website or on a linked website is solely at your own risk. We accept no liability for injury or damage resulting from your decision to use any product, information or instruction found on this website or on sites linked to this website.

Copyright Notice

All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied without the express permission of the copyright holder, which reserves all rights. Re-use of any of editorial content and/or graphics online for any purpose is strictly prohibited. The materials from this site are not available for commercial, informational or noncommercial uses online or offline unless express written permission is given. Copying or adapting the HTML or any other language created to generate these pages is also strictly prohibited and protected by copyright. Certain content and graphics originating from the federal government are not covered under copyright.

Privacy Statement

We treat your right to privacy very seriously. When you communicate with our office, you may be asked to provide us with your identification information and facts relating to your case. We will not sell or reveal to any third party any of this personal information, except to the extent necessary to comply with applicable laws, investigations, or in legal proceedings where such information is relevant. We will employ reasonable measures to protect the personal information you do provide at this site from unauthorized disclosure.


You expressly agree that the exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute shall reside in the courts of the State of Indiana. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect. Save where a further legal notice appears on a particular web page, this agreement constitutes the whole of the usage agreement.